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Genetic Identification of Lophius budegassa and L. piscatorius by PCR-RFLP Analysis of a Mitochondrial tRNAGlu/Cytochrome bSegment
Authors:A. Sanjuan,J. Raposo-Guillá  n,A.S. Comesañ  ta
Affiliation:1The authors are with Xenética Evolutiva Molecular, Facultade de Ciencias-Bioloxía, Univ. de Vigo, E-36200 Vigo, Spain. Author Sanjuan is with Xenética Evolutiva Molecular, Facultade de Ciencias-Bioloxía, Univ. deVigo, E-36200 Vigo, Spain;Directinquiries to author Sanjuan (E-mail: ).
Abstract:Identification of Lophius budegassa(black‐bellied angler) and L. piscatorius(angler) (Lophiiformes) was carried out on the amplification of a 486 bp tRNAGlu/cytochrome b segment using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Direct DNA sequencing of 6 PCR products was carried out. Six restriction endonucleases (AluI, CfoI, HaeIII, HinfI, Mae, and ScrFI) with different species‐specific restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) were selected. Digestions of PCR products from 30 individuals showed no intraspecific polymorphism. Double digestions (CfoI and HinfI, and HaeIII and ScrFI) were simpler and more rapid than single digestions. This technique is suitable for distinguishing tails of both Lophius species.
Keywords:anglerfishes    authentication    cytochrome b    Lophiiformes    PCR-RFLP
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