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摘    要:从语言的交际功能的角度,英语句子,按照语义可切分为主位(theme)和述位(rheme).Halliday指出The theme is indicated by position in the clause.In speaking or writing English we signal that an item has thematic status by putting it first….The Theme is the element which serves as the point of departure of the message; it is that with which the clause is conserned.The reminder of the message,the part in which the Theme is developed, is called in Prague school terminology the Rheme.[1]由此可见,主位乃信息的出发点,是陈述的对象,通常为己知信息,而述位则为出发点后面的信息,是发展主位的部分,是对主位的叙述,通常为未知信息.主位、述位两个功能成分主要体现谋篇愈义.在形式各异的英语句子里,韩礼德提出无语气句(minor clause)无主述位结构,故对其不能进行主述位分析.本文从无语气句的语用功能出发,试图对无语气句进行主述位分析.

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