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摘    要:通过一个爆破实例介绍了隧道平行导坑水压爆破掘进炮孔装药结构,以及该工艺与隧道平行导坑常规爆破效果的对比。对比结果显示,水压爆破较常规爆破法节省炸药35%;在不延长作业时间条件下,平均每循环进尺提高了0.35m;每延米节省成本170多元;洞内粉尘浓度降低了67%。本文以客观数据证明了水压爆破具有显著的节能环保作用,进一步说明推广此工艺的必要性和重要性。

关 键 词:隧道开挖  平行导坑  水压爆破  装药结构  振动监测

Technology and application of the rock breaking by CO_2 liquid-gas phase transition and expansion
Affiliation:,College of Military Education and Training,NUDT
Abstract:The history,technical principle and rock breaking device of the rock breaking technology by CO2 liquid-gas phase transition and expansion are expounded.Combining with the application cases of the open bench rock breaking,the block rock breaking,the isolated rock breaking and the tunnel excavation,the characteristics of the technology with little pollution and little harm are proved.As a new type of rock breaking method,the technology can be used to solve the problem of rock breaking in special cases where explosives are not allowed.But the mechanism of the phase change,the law of change of the stress field,the rock breaking effects comparing with explosive and the optimization of the structure and material of the rock breaking device need to be further studied,the model of standardized management across the country needs to be further advanced.
Keywords:carbon dioxide  phase transition  rock expansive breaking  rock breaking device
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