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Molecular modeling of single polypeptide chain of calcium-binding protein p26olf from dimeric S100B()
Authors:Tanaka, Takanori   Miwa, Naofumi   Kawamura, Satoru   Sohma, Hitoshi   Nitta, Katsutoshi   Matsushima, Norio
Affiliation:1 Division of Biological Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University, Kita-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido 060–0810, 2 Department of Biology, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University, Machikane-yama, Toyonaka, Osaka 560–0043, 3 School of Medicine and 4 School of Health Sciences, Sapporo Medical University, Chuo-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido 060–8556, Japan
Abstract:P26olf from olfactory tissue of frog, which may be involvedin olfactory transduction or adaptation, is a Ca2+-binding proteinwith 217 amino acids. The p26olf molecule contains two homologousparts consisting of the N-terminal half with amino acids 1–109and the C-terminal half with amino acids 110–217. Eachhalf resembles S100 protein with about 100 amino acids and containstwo helix–loop–helix Ca2+-binding structural motifsknown as EF-hands: a normal EF-hand at the C-terminus and apseudo EF-hand at the N-terminus. Multiple alignment of thetwo S100-like domains of p26olf with 18 S100 proteins indicatedthat the C-terminal putative EF-hand of each domain containsa four-residue insertion when compared with the typical EF-handmotifs in the S100 protein, while the N-terminal EF-hand ishomologous to its pseudo EF-hand. We constructed a three-dimensionalmodel of the p26olf molecule based on results of the multiplealignment and NMR structures of dimeric S100B(ßß)in the Ca2+-free state. The predicted structure of the p26olfsingle polypeptide chain satisfactorily adopts a folding patternremarkably similar to dimeric S100B(ßß). Each domainof p26olf consists of a unicornate-type four-helix bundle andthey interact with each other in an antiparallel manner formingan X-type four-helix bundle between the two domains. The twoS100-like domains of p26olf are linked by a loop with no sterichindrance, suggesting that this loop might play an importantrole in the function of p26olf. The circular dichroism spectraldata support the predicted structure of p26olf and indicatethat Ca2+-dependent conformational changes occur. Since theC-terminal putative EF-hand of each domain fully keeps the helix–loop–helixmotif having a longer Ca2+-binding loop, regardless of the four-residueinsertion, we propose that it is a new, novel EF-hand, althoughit is unclear whether this EF-hand binds Ca2+. P26olf is a newmember of the S100 protein family.
Keywords:calcium-binding protein/  EF-hand/  molecular modeling/  p26olf/  S100B
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