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Adhesion Mechanisms of Polyurethanes to Glass Surfaces I. Structure-Property Relationships in Polyurethanes and Their Effects on Adhesion to Glass
Authors:Raj K. Agrawal   Lawrence T. Drzal
Affiliation: a Department of Chemical Engineering, Composite Materials and Structure Center, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA
Abstract:Polyurethanes were prepared from toluene diisocyanate (TDI), 1-4-butane diol (BDO) and polycaprolactone-based triols with varying molecular weights. Among each molecular weight triol-based urethane, hard segment content was varied from 20% to 70%. Differential scanning calorimetry, tensile testing, and Iosipescu shear testing were done on all the various urethanes prepared. Thermal characterization data revealed the dependence of phase separation on hard segment content as well as on the triol molecular weight. Tensile data and Iosipescu shear data further confirmed the observations made from the DSC data. The data further indicated that phase separation can greatly improve the modulus of cross-linked segmented urethanes. Adhesion of these urethanes to glass surface was evaluated using soda-lime float glass plate. Urethane samples were cast on the air side of the glass plates and adhesion was measured in shear mode. Adhesion data indicated that in addition to hard segment content, modulus, cross-link density, and molecular weight of the triols, phase separation seems to be a major factor in controlling adhesion. Surfaces of the failed adhesion samples were also analyzed and the failure mode was found to be cohesive, in varying degree, with the different urethane systems.
Keywords:Adhesion  polyurethane  glass  phase separation  hard segment content  molecular weight  DSC  Iosipescu shear test  cross link density  modulus
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