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引用本文:张国强,宋春玲,陈建隆,F·哈吉格特. 挥发性有机化合物对室内空气品质影响研究进展[J]. 暖通空调, 2001, 31(6): 25-31
作者姓名:张国强  宋春玲  陈建隆  F·哈吉格特
作者单位:1. 湖南长沙市岳麓山湖南大学土木工程学院,
2. 加拿大Concordia大学
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目 (编号 5 0 0 780 2 0 )
摘    要:系统回顾了近年来一些国家对室内空气环境中挥发性有机化合物(VOC)研究的各个方面,包括VOC研究在室内空气品质研究中的地位,建筑物内VOC对人体健康的影响,VOC研究的实验方法、理论方法及主要研究结论,各国政府、学术团体采取的行动等。得出结论:与建筑科学、环境科学及人体健康相关的工作人员,如居住者、建筑业主、建筑科学家、环境科学家、心理学家和生理学家、建筑师与暖通空调设计人员、建筑和装饰材料生产商、供应商,都应重视VOC问题。

关 键 词:挥发性有机物 室内 空气品质 人体健康

Volatile organic compounds:a kind of important indoor pollutants
Abstract:Reviews systematically aspects of VOC (volatile organic compounds) research, including its role in IAQ (indoor air quality) study, its impacts on human health, the related experimental and theoretical research approaches and major conclusions, actions taken by governments and professional bodies. Concludes that the VOC problem should be given sufficient emphasis by almost every one working in the fields related to architecture, building and environment science and technology, building development, building occupancy, human health, physiology and psychology, HVAC system designing, building and decoration material production etc.
Keywords:volatile organic compounds   indoor air quality   human health   research
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