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Spectroscopic investigation of structure in octarellin (a de novo protein designed to adopt the {alpha}/{beta}-barred packing)
Authors:Beauregard, Marc   Goraj, Karine   Goffin, Vincent   Heremans, Karel   Goormaghtigh, Eric   Ruysschaert, Jean-Marie   Martial, Joseph A.
Affiliation:Laboratoire de Biologie Moléculaire et de Génie Génétique, Université de Liége, Institut de Chimie B6. B-4000 Sart Tilman 2Department of Chemisty, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven B-3001 Leuven 3Laboratoire des Macromolécules aux Interfaces Campus Plaine CP 206/2, B-1050 Bruxelles, Belgium
Abstract:We present here a spectroscopic structural characterizationof octarellin, a recently reported de novo protein modelledon {alpha}/ß-barrel proteins [K. Go raj, A.Renard and J.A.Martial(1990) Protein Engng, 3, 259–266]. Infrared and Ramanspectra analyses of octarellin‘s secondary structure revealthe expected percentage of {alpha}-helices (30%) and a higher ß-sheetcontent (40%) than predicted from the design. When the Ramanspectra obtained with octarellin and native triosephosphateisomerase (a natural {alpha}/ß-barrel) are compared, similarpercentages of secondary structures are found. Thermal denaturationof octarellin monitored by CD confirms that its secondary structuresare quite stable, whereas its native-like tertiary fold is not.Tyrosine residues, predicted to be partially hidden from solvent,are actually exposed as revealed by Raman and UV absorptionspectra. We conclude that the attempted {alpha}/ß-barrelconformation in octarellin may be loosely packed. The criteriaused to design octarellin are discussed and improvements suggested.
Keywords:alpha–  beta–  barrel protein/  de novo protein synthesis/  protein engineering/  Raman spectroscopy/  secondary structure
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