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引用本文:高海军,刘石泉. 近程战术弹道导弹被动段导引律设计[J]. 战术导弹技术, 2000, 0(4)
作者姓名:高海军  刘石泉
摘    要:
研究了战斗部为集束弹头、制导方案采用全程惯性制导的近程地地战术弹道导弹被动段导引律设计问题 .为获得封闭形式的解析解 ,引入了假想目标 ,将这一最优控制问题转化为导弹拦截假想目标的最优导引律设计问题 ,并求出了导弹被动段导引律 .仿真计算结果表明 ,该导引律具有抗干扰能力强、制导精度高、法向过载饱和度小等优点 ,完全满足导弹被动段导引律的设计要求 .

关 键 词:近程战术弹道导弹  导引律  集束战斗部

Design of Guidance Law at Coasting Path for Short-range Surface to Surface Tactical Ballistic Missile
GAO Hai jun,LIU Shi quan. Design of Guidance Law at Coasting Path for Short-range Surface to Surface Tactical Ballistic Missile[J]. Tactical Missile Technology, 2000, 0(4)
Authors:GAO Hai jun  LIU Shi quan
The guidance law at unpowered phase for short range surface to surface tactical ballistic missile with cluster warhead and overall system inertial guidance program is studied. To obtain closed form solution, by applying the virtual object, the optimal control problem is transformed to problem which finds optimal guidance law for the missile to intercept virtual object, then the guidance law at unpowered phase is finded. Simulation results show that the guidance law has high anti jamming ability, high accuracy and low acceleration saturation within the specifications.
Keywords:short range tactical ballistic missile  guidance law at unpowered phase  cluster warhead
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