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A Hierarchical Grid Index (HGI), spatial queries in wireless data broadcasting
Authors:Kwangjin Park  Patrick Valduriez
Affiliation:1. School of Electrical Electronics and Information Engineering, Wonkwang University, Iksan-Shi, Chunrabuk-do, 570-749, Republic of Korea
2. INRIA and LIRMM, 161 rue Ada, 34392, Montpellier Cedex 5, France
Abstract:The main requirements for spatial query processing via mobile terminals include rapid and accurate searching and low energy consumption. Most location-based services (LBSs) are provided using an on-demand method, which is suitable for light-loaded systems where contention for wireless channels and server processing is not severe. However, as the number of users of LBSs increases, performance deteriorates rapidly since the servers’ capability to process queries is limited. Furthermore, the response time of a query may significantly increase with the concentration of users’ queries in a server at the same time. That is because the server has to check the locations of users and potential objects for the final result and then individually send answers to clients via a point-to-point channel. At this time, an inefficient structure of spatial index and searching algorithm may incur an extremely large access latency. To address this problem, we propose the Hierarchical Grid Index (HGI), which provides a light-weight sequential location-based index structure for efficient LBSs. We minimize the index size through the use of hierarchical location-based identifications. And we support efficient query processing in broadcasting environments through sequential data transfer and search based on the object locations. We also propose Top-Down Search and Reduction-Counter Search algorithms for efficient searching and query processing. HGI has a simple structure through elimination of replication pointers and is therefore suitable for broadcasting environments with one-dimensional characteristics, thus enabling rapid and accurate spatial search by reducing redundant data. Our performance evaluation shows that our proposed index and algorithms are accurate and fast and support efficient spatial query processing.
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