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引用本文:田晓红,沈 群,吴娜娜,罗慧芳,谭斌,刘艳香. 马铃薯基质对其挂面品质的影响研究[J]. 中国粮油学报, 2018, 33(12): 14
作者姓名:田晓红  沈 群  吴娜娜  罗慧芳  谭斌  刘艳香
基金项目:科技部“十三五”科技支撑计划重点课题,2017YFD0401204;中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项(ZX 1510);
摘    要:由马铃薯干粉制作得马铃薯面条,成本较高,探讨降低马铃薯面条成本的方法。采用将马铃薯薯块研磨成浆或蒸后研磨成泥后,利用马铃薯薯块中的水分,加入到小麦粉中制作马铃薯面条,以干粉为对照,探讨马铃薯生浆或熟泥代替干粉的可能性。结果显示:采用马铃薯熟泥制作的干面条较白,L*值为78.99±0.42,断裂距离为28.7±1.8 mm,断裂强度为22.4±2.6 g,煮后面条的坚实度为823.7±11.7 g,高于或不低于干粉挂面的各项得分。感官评价的适口性、韧性、总分也高于马铃薯干粉挂面;采用马铃薯生浆制作的干面条颜色偏暗,L*值为75.20±0.76,煮后口感较硬,弹性不足,口感稍差。综合考虑,可以用马铃薯熟泥代替马铃薯干粉进行马铃薯-小麦粉混合粉挂面生产,有利于减少工序、节约能源,降低生产成本。

关 键 词:马铃薯  基质  挂面  品质

Effect of potato matrix on dry noodle quality
Abstract:Potato noodles made from dry potato powder are more expensive, to explore the method to reduce the cost of potato noodles. Quality of China dry noodle substituted with fresh mashed potato and cooked mashed potato and dry potato powder was investigated. The color of dry noodles made from cooked mashed potato were whiter, L* value was 78.99 ± 0.42, the breaking distance was 28.7 ± 1.8 mm, The breaking strength was 22.4 ± 2.6 g, The firmness of cooked noodles was 823.7 ± 11.7 g, these were above the dry potato dry powder noodle score. The gloss and palatability and toughness and and the total score of sensory evaluation were higher than the potato dry powder noodles. The color of dry noodle made from fresh mashed potato was darker, L* value was 75.20±0.76, it tasted harder and lack of flexibility. In short, cooked mashed potato instead of potato dry powder flour can be used for potato - wheat flour mixed noodles production, that would cut down manufacturing procedure process and saved energy and reduce cost.
Keywords:Potato, Matrix, China dry noodle   quality
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