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Topological alternate centrality measure capturing drug targets in the network of MAPK pathways
Authors:V.K. Md Aksam  V.M. Chandrasekaran  Sundaramurthy Pandurangan
Affiliation:1. School of Advanced Sciences, VIT University, Vellore 632014 India ; 2. PointCross Life Sciences, Inc., Bangalore 560045 India
Abstract:A new centrality of the nodes in the network is proposed called alternate centrality, which can isolate effective drug targets in the complex signalling network. Alternate centrality metric defined over the network substructure (four nodes – motifs). The nodes involving in alternative activation in the motifs gain in metric values. Targeting high alternative centrality nodes hypothesised to be destructive free to the network due to their alternative activation mechanism. Overlapping and crosstalk among the gene products in the conserved network of MAPK pathways selected for the study. In silico knock‐out of high alternate centrality nodes causing rewiring in the network is investigated using MCF‐7 breast cancer cell line‐based data. Degree of top alternate centrality nodes lies between the degree of bridging and pagerank nodes. Node deletion of high alternate centrality on the centralities such as eccentricity, closeness, betweenness, stress, centroid and radiality causes low perturbation. The authors identified the following alternate centrality nodes ERK1, ERK2, MEKK2, MKK5, MKK4, MLK3, MLK2, MLK1, MEKK4, MEKK1, TAK1, P38alpha, ZAK, DLK, LZK, MLTKa/b and P38beta as efficient drug targets for breast cancer. Alternate centrality identifies effective drug targets and is free from intertwined biological processes and lethality.Inspec keywords: biochemistry, molecular biophysics, cellular biophysics, cancer, drugs, genetics, biomedical materialsOther keywords: MAPK pathways, complex signalling network, pagerank nodes, node deletion, drug targets, MCF‐7 breast cancer cell line‐based data, cellular mechanisms, ERK1 nodes, ERK2 nodes, MEKK2 nodes, MKK5 nodes, MKK4 nodes, MLK3 nodes, MLK2 nodes, MLK1 nodes, MEKK4 nodes, MEKK1 nodes, TAK1 nodes, P38alpha nodes, ZAK nodes, DLK nodes, LZK nodes, MLTKa/b nodes, P38beta nodes
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