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Insertional re-activation of a chloramphenicol acetyltransferase misfolding mutant protein
Authors:Robben, J.   der Schueren, J.Van   Verhasselt, P.   Aert, R.   Volckaert, G.
Affiliation:Laboratory of Gene Technology, University of Leuven, Willem de Croylaan 42, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium
Abstract:The deletion of nine residues from the C-terminus of the bacterialchloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) results in depositionof the mutant protein in cytoplasmic inclusion bodies and lossof chloramphenicol resistance in Escherichia coli. This foldingdefect is relieved by C-terminal fusion of the polypeptide withas few as two residues. Based on these observations, efficientpositive selection for the cloning of DNA fragments has beendemonstrated. The cloning vector encodes a C-terminally truncatedCAT protein. Restriction sites in front of the stop codon allowthe insertion of target DNA, resulting in the production ofproperly folded CAT fusion proteins and regained chloramphenicolresistance. The positive selection of recombinants is accomplishedby growth of transformants on chloramphenicol-containing agarplates. The method appears particularly convenient for the cloningof DNA fragments amplified by the PCR because minimal informationto restore CAT folding can be included in the primers. The cloningof random sequences shows that the folding defect can be relievedby fusion to a wide variety of peptides, providing great flexibilityto the positive selection system. This vector may also contributeto the determination of the role of the C-terminus in CAT folding.
Keywords:alkaline phosphatase/  chloramphenicol acetyltransferase/  positive selection/  protein folding
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