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E-redesigning of society: towards experiential connectivity of generations in Lithuania
Authors:Arunas Augustinaitis  Richard Ennals  Egle Malinauskiene  Rimantas Petrauskas
Affiliation:(1) Mykolas Romeris University, Ateities st. 20, Vilnius, 08303, Lithuania;(2) Kingston University, Kingston Hill, Kingston, KT2 7LB, UK
Abstract:The paper reflects on the unique experience of social and technological development in Lithuania since the regaining of independence as a newly reshaped society constructing a distinctive competitive IST-based model at global level. This has presented Lithuanian pattern of how to integrate different experiences and relations between generations in implementing complex information society approaches. The resulting programme in general is linked to the Lisbon objectives of the European Union. The experience of transitional countries in Europe, each different but facing some common problems, may be useful to developing countries in Africa.
Contact Information Arunas Augustinaitis (Corresponding author)Email:
Contact Information Richard EnnalsEmail:
Contact Information Egle MalinauskieneEmail:
Contact Information Rimantas PetrauskasEmail:
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