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Fast identification of wine related lactic acid bacteria by multiplex PCR
Authors:A. Petri,J. Pfannebecker,J. Frö  hlich,H. Kö  nig
Affiliation:1. Institute of Microbiology and Wine Research, Johannes Gutenberg-University, 55128 Mainz, Germany;2. Food Technology Research Institute NRW, Microbiology, University of Applied Sciences, 32657 Lemgo, Germany;3. Erbslöh Geisenheim AG, 65366 Geisenheim, Germany
Abstract:The microflora of must and wine consists of yeasts, acetic acid bacteria and lactic acid bacteria (LAB). The latter group plays an important role for wine quality. The malolactic fermentation carried out by LAB leads to deacidification and stabilisation of wines. Nevertheless, LAB are often associated with wine spoilage. They are mainly responsible for the formation of biogenic amines. Furthermore, some strains produce exopolysaccharide slimes, acetic acid, diacetyl and other off-flavours. In this context a better monitoring of the vinification process is crucial to improve wine quality. Moreover, a lot of biodiversity studies would also profit from a fast and reliable identification method.
Keywords:SCAR-PCR   Nested SAPD-PCR   Lactic acid bacteria   Identification   Multiplex PCR   Wine   Must
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