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摘    要:中国漆工艺是人类宝贵的文化财富,人类审美意识的发展催生了生漆装饰艺术,"饰威饰荣"的政治文化主张,是漆工艺繁衍滋生的土壤,技术的进步成就了漆工艺的辉煌,时代的变迁演绎着漆文化的生发起伏。漆艺是财富的象征物,生漆艺术的高贵品性决定了它的兴盛衰微总是和社会经济的发展、政治制度的变革、文化思潮的影响息息相关,和人们赖以生存的社会环境、生活方式发生着千思万缕的联系。在远古时代,人类出于装饰器物的需要,孕育了漆器发生的胚胎;夏商周时期,伴随着青铜生产工具的使用,漆器嵌玉贴金,使生漆装饰艺术走向了多元化发展之路;春秋战国时代,随着铁器时代的到来、"油漆"制造技术的发明,生漆装饰艺术体系日臻完善,漆工艺的发展突飞猛进,最终迎来了秦汉时期生漆艺术的辉煌,为中国漆文化的历史树立了一座高耸的丰碑;三国至隋唐时期,是漆文化的消长时期,它承前启后,使漆器走上了向精品工艺美术品发展的轨迹,密陀僧、绿沉漆等工艺的出现,就是这一时代的漆工艺发展的杰出成就,而后来夹纻造像、金银平脱工艺的兴起则迎合了时代逆转的风向;宋、元、明、清时期生漆,精制关键技术的突破,把生漆工艺推向了极致。

关 键 词:生漆  漆器  工艺  文化  遗产

Study on development of Chinese lacquer craft
Zhang Feilong.Study on development of Chinese lacquer craft[J].Journal of Chinese Lacquer,2007,26(2):10-32.
Authors:Zhang Feilong
Abstract:Chinese lacquer craft is the man's voluble cultural wealth. The development of aesthetic standards produces lacquer art. The stand for politics and culture is the soil to multiply lacquer art. Advanced technology makes it splendid. The change of times shows it up and down. Lacquer art is the wealth and has something to do with social developing, political reform and cultural thought or ideas. In ancient time, the embryo of lacquer ware produces in order to decorate furniture. The Bronze Age, lacquer art began diversify. The Spring and Autumn Period, decorating skills were perfect. The splendid time arrived at last in the Qin and Han Dynasty and set up a monument for Chinese lacquer art.The lacquer culture began to up and down from Tree Kingdoms to Sui and Tang Dynasty. Some fine lacquer wares appeared, their skills reached a peak in the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasty.
Keywords:lacquer lacquer ware craft culture wealth
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