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引用本文:张振芳,陈秀法,李仰春,高爱红,王杨刚,何学洲,王秋舒. “双碳”目标下镍资源的综合利用发展趋势[J]. 矿产综合利用, 2022, 0(2): 31-39. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-6532.2022.02.006
作者姓名:张振芳  陈秀法  李仰春  高爱红  王杨刚  何学洲  王秋舒
作者单位:中国地质调查局发展研究中心,北京 100037
摘    要:人类面临气候变化的挑战日益严重,“暖战”已在全球范围内打响。我国“双碳”目标提出后,各行业部门纷纷研究制定各自的减排方案。金属矿产行业作为国民经济的重要基础产业,在绿色低碳转型中的挑战和机遇并存。本文重点研究了动力电池重要金属之一的镍,在能源清洁化和动力电池高镍化双重驱动下的综合应用前景。现阶段主要用于不锈钢生产的镍将在绿色低碳转型中逐渐减少,电池级硫酸镍的消费量将快速增长。随着硫化镍矿资源日渐贫乏,红土型镍矿已成为镍的主要来源。目前红土型镍矿主要通过回转窑-电炉等火法冶炼工艺生产镍铁和不锈钢,随着电池级硫酸镍的需求增加,高压酸浸镍湿法冶炼中间品和镍铁转产高冰镍制备硫酸镍或将成为未来红土型镍矿综合利用的发展趋势。 

关 键 词:碳中和   能源清洁化   镍资源   高压酸浸   高冰镍   综合利用

Multipurpose Utilization Trend of Nickel Mineral Resources under the Goal of Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality
Affiliation:Development and Research Center of China Geological Survey, Beijing, China
Abstract:The challenge of climate change is becoming more and more serious, and the "warm war" has been launched around the world. After China's "dual carbon" target was put forward, various sectors have studied and developed their own emission reduction plans. As an important basic industry of national economy, metal mineral industry faces both challenges and opportunities in green and low-carbon transformation. This paper focuses on nickel, one of the most important metals in power battery, and its comprehensive application prospect under the dual drive of clean energy and high nickelization of power battery. At present, nickel mainly used in stainless steel production will gradually decrease in the green and low-carbon transition, and the consumption of battery grade nickel sulfate will increase rapidly. Laterite type nickel ore has become the main source of nickel as nickel sulfide ore resources become scarce. At present, laterite nickel ore is mainly produced by KREF and other pyrosmelting processes to produce nickel-iron and stainless steel. With the increasing demand for battery grade nickel sulfate, high pressure acid leaching nickel wet smelting of intermediate products and converting nickel-iron to high matte nickel to produce nickel sulfate may become the development trend of comprehensive utilization of laterite nickel ore in the future. 
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