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引用本文:郝俊文,李培宁,胡振伦. 摩擦对橡胶胀管的影响及减摩研究[J]. 压力容器, 2001, 18(2): 7-9
作者姓名:郝俊文  李培宁  胡振伦
作者单位:1. 华东理工大学
2. 上海何氏科技研究所
摘    要:1 前言橡胶胀管机是一种新型的胀管机械 ,它以液压为动力 ,以橡胶为胀管介质 ,通过挤压置于换热管内橡胶弹性体 ,完成换热器、锅炉等的胀管作业 ,其胀头结构如图 1所示[1] 。图 1 胀头结构图胀头的芯轴上套装一个橡胶弹性体 ,两端依次为密封圈和挡圈 ,工作时将胀头伸入欲胀接的管端内 ,胀接时液压活塞抽动芯轴 ,使得橡胶弹性体轴向受压 ,径向发生膨胀 ,迫使管子端部与管板发生弹塑性变形而胀合 ,液压活塞动力撤除后 ,橡胶弹性体立即恢复原状 ,管子与管板仍留有残余接触压力 ,管端与管板结合在一起 ,完成胀接。胀接过程中 ,橡胶弹性体在轴…

关 键 词:橡胶胀管 摩擦 减摩 换热器 胀管机械 锅炉

The Effect of Friction onthe Rubber-expanded Tube-to-Tube sheet Joints and Investigation of Reducing Friction
Abstract. The Effect of Friction onthe Rubber-expanded Tube-to-Tube sheet Joints and Investigation of Reducing Friction[J]. Pressure Vessel Technology, 2001, 18(2): 7-9
Abstract:In this paper,the effect of friction on the expanding pressure in the rubber-expanding process for the contect of tube to tubesheet is investigated.It is found that the expandign pressure is not uniform along the axle of the tube.A logarithm relationship exists between expanding pressure and friction coefficient.Some methods to reduce the friction coefficient are suggested to improve rubber-expanding process.
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