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引用本文:李学信,翟侃,杨晓东,张正泉,徐至展. 高次谐波辐射的实验研究[J]. 中国激光, 1997, 24(11): 1013-1016
作者姓名:李学信  翟侃  杨晓东  张正泉  徐至展
作者单位:中国科学院上海光机所强光光学开放研究实验室 上海201800(李学信,翟侃,杨晓东,张正泉),中国科学院上海光机所强光光学开放研究实验室 上海201800(徐至展)
摘    要:
报道了在本实验室建立的45fs-2 TW级超短超强钛宝石激光装置上.以Ar为非线性工作介质.进行的高次谐波实验的初步研究结果.初步研究了激光能量和气体密度对高次谐波的影响,目前得到的最高次谐波为第25次谐波.相应波长为31.4nm.还检验了激光器、压电气阀、光谱仪以及信号处理和记录系统的工作性能.实现了相互间的协调.

关 键 词:高次谐波辐射  飞秒太瓦激光脉冲  钛宝石激光器

Experimental Study of the High-order Harmonic Generation
Li Xuexin Zhai Kan Yang Xiaodong Zhang Zhengquan Xu Zhizhan. Experimental Study of the High-order Harmonic Generation[J]. Chinese Journal of Lasers, 1997, 24(11): 1013-1016
Authors:Li Xuexin Zhai Kan Yang Xiaodong Zhang Zhengquan Xu Zhizhan
The experimental results of high-order harmonic generation in Ar gas with femtosecond Ti:sapphire laser pulses are presented. The laser system, gas jet, spectrometer and signal processing system are examined. The effects of laser intensity and gas density on the harmonic generation are studied. Harmonic orders with the highest reaching 25 are observed at present, corresponding to a shortest wavelength of 31.3 nm.
Keywords:high-order harmonic generation   femtosecond laser pulses   Ti:sapphire laser  
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