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Characterization of 12 Capsicum varieties by evaluation of their carotenoid profile and pungency determination
Authors:Daniele Giuffrida  Paola Dugo  Germana Torre  Chiara Bignardi  Antonella Cavazza  Claudio Corradini  Giacomo Dugo
Affiliation:1. Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Ambiente, della Sicurezza, del Territorio, degli Alimenti e della Salute (S.A.S.T.A.S.). Università degli Studi di Messina, Viale Ferdinando Stagno d’Alcontres, 31, 98166 S. Agata. Messina, Italy.;2. Università di Messina, Facoltà di Farmacia, Dipartimento farmaco-chimico, Viale Annunziata, 98168 Messina, Italy;3. University Campus Bio-Medico, Rome, Italy;4. Dipartimento di Chimica, Parco Area delle Scienze 17/A, 43124, Università degli Studi di Parma, Italy
Abstract:In this research 12 different varieties of Capsicum cultivars belonging to three species (Capsicum chinense, Capsicum annuum, Capsicum frutescens) and of various colour, shape, and dimension have been characterised by their carotenoids and capsaicinoids content. The berries were cultivated in the region Emilia-Romagna, in Northern Italy. The native carotenoid composition was directly investigated by an HPLC-DAD-APCI-MS methodology, for the first time. In total, 52 carotenoids have been identified and considerable variation in carotenoid composition was observed among the various cultivars investigated. Among the cultivars with red colour, some Habanero, Naga morich and Sinpezon showed an high β-carotene content, whereas Serrano, Tabasco and Jalapeno showed an high capsanthin content and the absence of β-carotene. Habanero golden and Scotch Bonnet showed a high lutein, α-carotene and β-carotene amounts, and Habanero orange was rich in antheraxanthin, capsanthin and zeaxanthin. Cis-cryptocapsin was present in high amount in Habanero chocolate.
Keywords:HPLC-DAD-APCI-MS  Carotenoids  Capsaicinoids  Chilli peppers
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