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Learning headway estimation in driving
Authors:Taieb-Maimon Meirav
Affiliation:Department of Information Systems Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, PO Box 653, Beer Sheva 84105, Israel. meiravta@bgumail.bgu.ac.il
Abstract:OBJECTIVE: The main purpose of the present study was to examine to what extent the ability to attain a required headway of 1 or 2 s can be improved through practical driving instruction under real traffic conditions and whether the learning is sustained after a period during which there has been no controlled training. BACKGROUND: The failure of drivers to estimate headways correctly has been demonstrated in previous studies. METHODS: Two methods of training were used: time based (in seconds) and distance based (in a combination of meters and car lengths). For each method, learning curves were examined for 18 participants at speeds of 50, 80, and 100 km/hr. RESULTS: The results indicated that drivers were weak in estimating headway prior to training using both methods. The learning process was rapid for both methods and similar for all speeds; thus, after one trial with feedback, there was already a significant improvement. The learning was retained over time, for at least the 1 month examined in this study. CONCLUSION: Both the time and distance training of headway improved drivers' ability to attain required headways, with the learning being maintained over a retention interval. The learning process was based on perceptual cues from the driving scene and feedback from the experimenter, regardless of the formal training method. APPLICATION: The implications of these results are that all drivers should be trained in headway estimation using an objective distance measuring device, which can be installed on driver instruction vehicles.
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