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引用本文:吴律. 论Radon变换在地球物理勘探中应用的可能性[J]. 石油地球物理勘探, 1985, 20(3): 235-241
摘    要:全文分六节,第一节介绍 Radon 变换的原理,第二节和第三节叙述了以Radon 变换为理论基础的 CT(Computer Tomograph)技术,及其在射电天文学、X 射线照相和电子显微照相、超声波、核磁共振、光学干涉等领域的应用。Radon 变换是数学上的变换,CT 是计算机成像应用装置,在地球物理勘探中可以借鉴 Radon 变换和 CT 成像技术。第四节论述了τ-P 变换是 Radon 变换的一种形式,τ-P 变换在计算机上实现的过程与二维傅氏变换扇形滤波相似。进一步应用 Radon 变换应像 CT 那样,向成像方向发展。第五节论述了Radon 变换在地震勘探中利用各种物理参量的可能性,并建议改变野外观测方法,采用在一口井中布置激发装置,另一口井中安置接收装置,利用吸收系数和速度参量成像,有利于寻找构造油藏和岩性油藏及其它矿产资源。第六节中列举了 Radon 变换在地球物理勘探应用中的一些引为注意的问题。

关 键 词:石油地球物理勘探  二维傅氏变换  吸收系数  可能性  核磁共振  计算机成像  地震勘探  岩性油藏  物理参量  超声波  

On the possibility of using Radon transform in geophysical prospecting
Wu L,#. On the possibility of using Radon transform in geophysical prospecting[J]. Oil Geophysical Prospecting, 1985, 20(3): 235-241
Authors:Wu L&#
Abstract:The paper includes 6 sections,Section 1 introduces the principle of Radon transform, Sectianv 2 and 3 describe respectively the computer tomagraphy CT technique based on Radon transform,and the application of CT technique to many technical fields,such as radio stronomy, X ray photography, electronic microphotography,ultrasonics, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMA),optical interference,and so on.Radon transform (a mathematic transform) and CT (a computer tornography) may be used in geophysical prospecting.In section 4,it is demonstrated that e-p transform, performed by a computer in thesame way as fan filtering,is only one form of Radon transform.It is suggested that for a further application, Radon transform should bedeveiopd toward image formation technique similar to CT technique.In section 5,the following are involved, First,the possibility of using Radors transform in geophysical prospecting is discussed.Then,it is suggested that a new field acqusition method can be used which places the source in a hole,and puts receiver in another hole.Finally,it is pointed aut that the application of absorption coefficient andvelocity informations to image formation is helpful to the discovery of structural ail trap,lithologie oil trap and other mineral resources. In section 6,some matters we must mind when using Radon transformin geophysical prospecting are enumerated briefly.
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