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Composition and Source Apportionment of Organic Aerosol in Beirut,Lebanon, During Winter 2012
Authors:Antoine Waked  Charbel Afif  Jérôme Brioude  Paola Formenti  Servanne Chevaillier  Imad El Haddad
Affiliation:1. CEREA, Joint Laboratory école des Ponts ParisTech/EDF R&2. D , Université Paris-Est , Champs-sur-Marne , France;3. Centre d’Analyses et de Recherche, Faculty of Sciences , Université Saint-Joseph , Beirut , Lebanon;4. Centre d’Analyses et de Recherche, Faculty of Sciences , Université Saint-Joseph , Beirut , Lebanon;5. Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences , University of Colorado at Boulder , Boulder , Colorado , USA;6. NOAA ESRL, Chemical Sciences Division , Boulder , Colorado , USA;7. Laboratoire Interuniversitaire des Systèmes Atmosphériques, UMR7583, CNRS , Université Paris-Est Créteil and Université Paris Diderot, Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace , Créteil , France;8. Paul Scherrer Institut, Laboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry , Villigen , PSI , Switzerland
Abstract:Fine organic aerosols were collected at a semi-urban site in Beirut, Lebanon, from 28 January to 12 February 2012 as part of the Emission and Chemistry of Organic Carbon in East Mediterranean-Beirut (ECOCEM-Beirut). A total of 20 quartz filter samples were collected on a 12 h basis using a high-volume sampler and were analyzed using a GC/MS technique. Levoglucosan was the major most abundant single component with an average value of 306 ng.m?3, followed by saturated and unsaturated carboxylic acids and sugars with average values of 234 and 118 ng.m?3, respectively. Reported values for other carboxylic acids, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and biogenic secondary organic aerosols (BSOA) were 87, 33 and 21 ng.m?3, respectively. Compared to a similar field campaign conducted in summer 2011, levoglucosan concentrations were lower in summer by a factor of 6, due to the use of wood burning for residential heating in winter. Concentrations of saturated and unsaturated carboxylic acids, other carboxylic acids, and BSOA were higher in summer by a factor of 3, 2, and 7, respectively. Higher concentrations observed for BSOA and other dicarboxylic acids during summer are due to higher biogenic emissions and greater photochemical activity in summer.

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