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Detection of EGFR on living human gastric cancer BGC823 cells using surface plasmon resonance phase sensing
Authors:Fangfang LiuAuthor Vitae  Jingyu ZhangAuthor Vitae  Yan DengAuthor VitaeDaqian WangAuthor Vitae  Youyong LuAuthor VitaeXinglong YuAuthor Vitae
Affiliation:a State Key Laboratory of Precision Measurement and Instruments, Dept. of Precision Instruments, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, PR China
b Laboratory of Molecular Oncology, Key Laboratory of Carcinogenesis and Translational Research (Ministry of Education), Peking University School of Oncology, Beijing Cancer Hospital & Institute, Beijing 100142, PR China
Abstract:Label-free and real-time information acquisition of molecular phenotype and its function on living cells plays a significant role in disease diagnosis and drug development. In this paper, SPR phase sensing was applied to monitor the interactions between EGFR antibody, EGFR1, and membrane proteins EGFR on living human gastric cancer BGC823 cells. When 50 μg/mL EGFR1 was added onto the fixed cells chip and the living cells chip, a significant difference in the binding amount could be observed from the immunofluorescence images. Quantitative results were obtained by following SPR detection, which were 722 RU and 438 RU, respectively. On the same living cells chip, SPR detection also showed markedly different results of cellular responses when it was stimulated by EGFR1 at different concentrations, such as adhesion and/or morphology variation, revealing the EGFR1's cytotoxic effect on the BGC823 cells. The results demonstrate SPR phase sensing is capable of real-time detection of molecular interactions and cellular responses on living cells, and suggest that further studies on the mechanism and the technique may allow SPR sensing become a powerful tool not only for the basic research of cell biology, but also for medical diagnosis and drug development.
Keywords:Surface plasmon resonance (SPR)   Immunofluorescence image   Living cells   BGC823   Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)
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