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Common soccer injuries. Diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation
Authors:AM Tucker
Affiliation:Department of Biological Sciences, University of Delaware, Newark 19716, USA.
Abstract:Motoneurons that supply the clearnose skate's hypobranchial musculature, via the occipital nerve and first seven ventral spinal nerve roots, are located within a column that extends from a level just caudal to the obex through the corresponding rostral spinal cord segments. Individual muscle motoneuron pools within the column are considerably intermingled and overlap. Comparisons with tetrapods, particularly mammals, where the hypobranchial musculature is greatly modified, reveal general conserved features. The motor column's multisegmental organization is retained although, in mammals, the column begins rostrally at medullary levels, where hypobranchial muscle motoneurons are intimately associated with motoneurons to lingual muscles, and it is restricted caudally to fewer spinal cord segments. In addition, despite an intermingling of motoneurons that supply individual hypobranchial muscles there is a shared rostrocaudal sequence of the motor pools. Rostral most hypobranchial motoneurons supply the most ventral and anterior muscles (i.e., m. coracomandibularis, and likely m. coracohyoideus, of skate and the suprahyoid musculature, m. geniohyoideus, of tetrapods). Caudal hypobranchial motoneurons supply the skate's mm. coracohyomandibularis, coracoarcualis communis and coracobranchialis and the tetrapod's entire infrahyoid muscle complex. The intermingling of multisegmental motoneuron populations innervating different hypobranchial muscles might be attributed to intermixing of premuscle mesoderm derived from several postotic somites but the musculotopic organization along the rostrocaudal axis indicates that pre- and posthyoid muscle mesoderm may partially keep its identity during its migration to the floor of the pharynx and oral cavity.
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