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作者姓名:俞进  乐芸  周晓娟
摘    要:依托境内丰沛的水系资源,广州市提出打造"花城、绿城、水城"的战略设想。规划以构建岭南生态水城为总体目标,从水城指标、水城生活、水城交通、水城文化和水城景观5个方面提出广州水城建设标准,规划形成"一江两片、北树南网、点线结合、干支分层"的整体水网结构,并从水功能区划、岸线控制体系、滨水区指引、规划实施等方面提出规划策略。规划充分体现了城乡规划与水系岸线规划的高度结合,具有创新示范意义。

关 键 词:广州  水系  岸线  总体规划

Master Plan of River System and Waterfront,Guangzhou
Abstract:Based on the plentiful water resource, Guangzhou Government announced the strategy of "flower city, green city, water city". With the aim of constructing ecological water city, this project gives a standard of water city from the perspective of index, living environment, transportation, culture and landscape. This plan tries to put forward the distribution of water network, water function zoning, waterfront control system, waterfront guidelines and implementation policies. This project will provide the revelation and demonstration to form the planning mode of combination of town and country planning and water system planning.
Keywords:Guangzhou    River system    Waterfront    Master plan
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