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Modified metal injection moulding process of 316L stainless steel powders using thermosetting binder

A modified metal injection moulding (MIM) process of 316L stainless steels powders using an acrylic thermosetting resin has been developed. Gas and water atomised 316L powders were used. In order to optimise the mixing and moulding steps, different volume fractions of the two components were investigated. Mixing of metal powder and binder was carried out at room temperature and immediately moulding was performed by pouring the slurry in the moulds. It was then heated at 90°C to permit the polymerisation and cross linking of the resin. Different heating cycles, rates, and atmospheres were studied by means of thermogravimetrical analysis. The data obtained were used to establish the best debinding cycle. The debound samples were sintered at different temperatures and high densities (98% of theoretical) were obtained. Materials in as moulded (green part), debound (brown part), and sintered conditions were examined by means of SEM.
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