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引用本文:王敏,陈伟庆. 电炉粉尘造泡沫渣过程中FeO的还原与炉渣发泡行为[J]. 过程工程学报, 2000, 21(4): 393-397
作者姓名:王敏  陈伟庆
摘    要:在实验室研究了循环利用电炉粉尘造泡沫渣过程中,FeO还原速度的影响因素,同时分析了 FeO 还原速度与炉渣发泡高度的关系. 结果表明,随着粉尘和煤粉加入量增加以及反应温度提高,渣中FeO的还原速度加快;渣中FeO被固体碳还原的反应为表观一级反应;渣中FeO还原反应速率常数与泡沫渣的最大发泡高度存在很好的相关性,还原速度增加,泡沫渣的最大发泡高度也随之提高.

关 键 词:电炉粉尘  泡沫渣  FeO还原  反应速度

Reduction Rate of FeO and Slag Foaming on EAF Dust Recycling into the Furnace
WANG Min,CHEN Wei-qing. Reduction Rate of FeO and Slag Foaming on EAF Dust Recycling into the Furnace[J]. Chinese Journal of Process Engineering, 2000, 21(4): 393-397
Authors:WANG Min  CHEN Wei-qing
Abstract:The reduction rate of FeO in slag when electric arc furnace (EAF) dust was recycled into EAF for slag foaming was investigated in laboratory. The results show that the reduction of FeO in slag is enhanced with the increase of EAF dust and coal amounts added and also with higher temperature. The reduction of FeO in slag by solid carbon is superficially a first order reaction. The maximum slag foaming height increases with the increase of reaction rate constant of FeO reduction.
Keywords:EAF dust  foamy slag  FeO reduction  reaction rate
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