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Polynomial-Space Decidable Membership Problems for Recurrent Systems over Sets of Natural Numbers
Authors:Daniel Meister
Affiliation:(1) Theoretische Informatik, Bayerische Julius-Maximilians-Universitaet Wuerzburg, 97074 Wuerzburg, Germany
Abstract:A finite recurrent system over sets of natural numbers of dimension n is a pair composed of n n-ary functions over sets of natural numbers and an n-tuple of singleton sets of natural numbers. Every function is applied to the entries of the tuple and computes a set of natural numbers, that may also be empty. The results are composed into another tuple, and the process is started anew. Thus, a finite recurrent system defines an infinite sequence of n-tuples containing sets of natural numbers. The last entry of a generated n-tuple is called the output of a step, and the union of the output sets of all steps is the set defined by the finite recurrent system. Membership problems ask whether a given number is in a specified output set or in some output set. We study membership problems for special finite recurrent systems, whose functions are built from the set operations union, intersection and complementation and the arithmetical operations addition and multiplication. Sum and product of two sets of natural numbers are defined elementwise. We restrict the set of operations from which functions are built and determine the impact on the complexity of the membership problems. We focus on PSPACE-decidable membership problems and show completeness results for the complexity classes NL, NP and PSPACE.
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