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引用本文:云帆. 春都“沦陷”的轨迹——“会跳舞的火腿肠”如何跳进火坑(中篇)[J]. 中国食品工业, 2003, 0(3): 29-30
摘    要:<正> 包装上市 毒瘾难除 有证券人士说:“从时间上看,ST春都这次被处罚的几次造假行为均是发生在1999年上市的前后,从中看出,早在上市以前,春都集团就已经病入膏盲了,而欺诈上市延缓了它死亡的过程。” 1993年8月,春都在原洛阳肉联厂的基础上进行股份制改造,向社会募集资金近2亿元,先后投资1000多万元和1.5亿元搞多元化,结果一败涂地。1994年9月,春都与美国宝星投资公司等5家外商合

关 键 词:春都集团  上市公司  作假账  肉类加工业  经营状况

Chun Du: A Falling Myth
Abstract:Chun Du was considered as the pride of the He Nan Province, even the China for a time, whose advertisement of "dancing ham" impressed us deeply. But now the former "leader" of meat industry has not been grand, and already dying enterprise on the verge of economic bankruptcy. There is a variety of reasons of the Chun Du's rapid wane, such as falling quality, diversifying economy blindly, swindle in stock market. The article made an exhaustive analysis of it.
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