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Development of COTS ADC SEE test system for the ATLAS LAr calorimeter upgrade
Abstract:Commercial off-the-shelf(COTS) ADCs(analog-to-digital converters) that are radiation-tolerant, high speed,high density and low power will be used in upgrading the LAr(liquid argon) calorimeter front end(FE) trigger readout electronics. Total ionization dose(TID) and single event effect(SEE) of the COTS ADCs should be characterized. In our initial TID test, 17 COTS ADCs from different manufacturers with dynamic range and sampling rate meeting requirements of the FE electronics were checked, and the ADS5272 of Texas Instruments(TI) was the best performer of all. Another interesting feature of ADS5272 is its 6.5 clock cycles latency, which is the shortest of all the 17 candidates. Based on the TID performance, we designed an SEE evaluation system for ADS5272, which allows us to further assess its radiation tolerance. In this paper, we present a detailed design of ADS5272 SEE evaluation system and show the effectiveness of this system while evaluating ADS5272 SEE characteristics in multiple irradiation tests. According to TID and SEE test results, ADS5272 was chosen to be implemented in the full-size LAr Trigger Digitizer Board(LTDB) demonstrator, which will be installed on ATLAS calorimeter during the 2014 Long Shutdown 1(LS1).
Keywords:COTS ADC  Total ionization dose  Single event effect  Single event upset  Single event functional interrupt
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