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摘    要:随着时代的发展,煤矿资源紧张局面越发严峻,为了满足人们生产和生活的需求,推动社会良性运转,人们开始将目光转向天然气。作为清洁能源天然气近年来越发受到人们的青睐,据统计我国煤炭资源有6000亿吨,但专家预测我国天然气资源约为40~60多亿m3,是一个天然气大国,且由于天然气价格低廉、安全性高、便于贮存和运输,燃烧时产生的有害物质远低于其他化石原料,能有效缓解当下环境污染严重的问题,一经推出便广受人们欢迎。离心压缩机作为天然气运输中的重要设备,该设备的正常运行直接影响着天然气行业的发展,影响着人们正常的生产和生活。

关 键 词:压气站  离心压缩机组  质量管理  对策

Effective Countermeasure of Quality Management of Centrifugal Compressor Set in Compressor Station
Affiliation:,Sinopec Xinjiang coal natural gas pipeline Co,Ltd.
Abstract:With the development of the times, the tension of coal resources is becoming more and more serious. In order to meet the needs of people ‘s production and life, to promote the healthy operation of society, people began to turn their attention to natural gas. As a clean energy natural gas in recent years more and more people of all ages, according to statistics, China's coal resources have 600 billion tons, but experts predict that China's natural gas resources of about 40 to 60 billion cubic meters, is a natural gas, and because of low natural gas prices, High safety, easy storage and transportation, combustion of harmful substances far lower than other fossil raw materials, can effectively alleviate the current serious environmental pollution problems, once launched it is widely welcomed. Centrifugal compressor as an important equipment in natural gas transportation, the normal operation of the equipment directly affects the development of natural gas industry, affecting people's normal production and life.
Keywords:pressure station  centrifugal compressor  quality management  countermeasures
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