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作者姓名:缪谦  夏拥军
摘    要:近年来,我国在电力建设领域取得显著成就。电源建设方面,随着中广核岭澳核电站二期工程1号机组建成投产,我国电力装机容量已达到9亿千瓦。电源结构不断优化,火电机组向大容量、高参数、环保型方向发展;水电、核电建设步伐进一步加快;风电、太阳能发电和生物质能发电等新能源建设积极推

关 键 词:施工设备  塔式起重机  电力建设  建设领域  钢索式液压提升装置  履带起重机  电源建设  最大起重量  输电线路  起重设备

Development and application of China's electric construction equipment
Abstract:China's electric power industry is developing rapidly,single capacity increasing constantly,power grid voltage grade improving rapidly and the application of new technologies,new processes and new materials enormously promoting China's electric construction equipment's development and progress.This paper introduces and summarizes the main construction equipment used in the construction of power sources and power networks,and discusses its developing trend.
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