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A Bayes Sampling Allocation Scheme for Stratified Finite Populations With Hyperbinomial Prior Distributions
Authors:Doris Lloyd Grosh
Affiliation:Department of Industrial Engineering , Kansas State University , Manhattan , Kansas
Abstract:When sampling is carried out independently for the K strata of a finite stratified dichotomous population (defectives vs. standard items), and the number Zi of defectives per stratum sample is observed, the corresponding probability function for X = (Xi , …, xK ) is the product of hypergeometric functions which depend on the sample sizes ni , the stratum sizes Ni , and the number of defectives Mi in the stratum (i = 1, …, K). It is assumed that prior information is available about the Mi 's which can be expressed, by suitable choice of the parameters ai and bi , as the product of independent hyperbinomial functions.

In each stratum the cost per observation is a known constant. Using squared error loss function, the prior Bayes risk is found for the linear function of interest,

 id= and the optimum allocation of sample sizes is found, the one for which the prior Bayes risk is minimum when the total sampling budget is fixed.
Keywords:Bayesian  Sampling  Finite Populations  Stratified  Hyperbinomial  Beta-Binomial  Optimum Allocation  Risk Minimization  Prior Risk  Efficiency  Hypertrinomial  Trichotomy
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