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Experimental transient performance of a heat pump equipped with a distillation column
Authors:James G. Gebbie   Michael K. Jensen  Piotr A. Domanski  
Affiliation:aDepartment of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Nuclear Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180-3590, USA;bNational Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8631, USA
Abstract:A series of experiments were conducted on a heat pump equipped with a distillation column. The system was operated with R32 and with a 30/70% by mass mixture of R32/134a to examine the difference between the transient performance trends with a pure fluid (R32), and those with a zeotropic mixture (R32/134a). Additionally, the effects of varying heat transfer fluid mass flow, compressor speed, and accumulator sump heat input were examined. Each test was 1 h in duration. The heat pump capacities did not generally achieve steady state during the R32/134a tests. Steady state was generally achieved during the R32 tests. As a percentage of the final (end-of-test) capacity, the rate of capacity increase was greater during the R32/134a tests than during those conducted with the pure fluid. The R32/134a tests exhibited capacity oscillations early in each transient that were not present during the R32 tests. The results show that circulating refrigerant mass and composition are the primary controlling factors with regard to transient capacity.
Keywords:Heat pump   Experiment   Refrigerant   R32   Binary mixture   R134a   Transient   Distillation   PerformanceMots clé  s: Pompe à   chaleur   Expé  rimentation   Frigorigè  ne   R32    lange binaire   R134a    gime transitoire   Distillation   Performance
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