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Splaysort: Fast,Versatile, Practical
Authors:Alistair Moffat  Gary Eddy  Ola Petersson
Abstract:Adaptivity in sorting algorithms is sometimes gained at the expense of practicality. We give experimental results showing that Splaysort — sorting by repeated insertion into a Splay tree — is a surprisingly efficient method for in-memory sorting. Splaysort appears to be adaptive with respect to all accepted measures of presortedness, and it outperforms Quicksort for sequences with modest amounts of existing order. Although Splaysort has a linear space overhead, there are many applications for which this is reasonable. In these situations Splaysort is an attractive alternative to traditional comparison-based sorting algorithms such as Heapsort, Mergesort, and Quicksort.
Keywords:adaptive sorting  splay tree  splaytree  quicksort  natural merge sort
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