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Recovery of image and video based on compressive sensing via tensor approximation and Spatio-temporal correlation
Authors:Zhong  Yuanhong  Zhang  Jing  Zhou  Zhaokun  Cheng  Xinyu  Huang  Guan  Li  Qiang
Affiliation:1.School of Microelectronics and Communication Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China
;2.Chongqing Automotive Collaborative Innovation Center, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China
;3.Tibet Branch of State Power Investment Corporation, Chongqing, China

In recent years, block-based compressive sensing (BCS) has been extensively studied because it can reduce computational complexity and data storage by dividing the image into smaller patches, but the performance of the reconstruction algorithm is not satisfactory. In this paper, a new reconstruction model for image and video is proposed. The model makes full use of spatio-temporal correlation and utilizes low-rank tensor approximation to improve the quality of the reconstructed image and video. For image recovery, the proposed model obtains a low-rank approximation of a tensor formed by non-local similar patches, and improves the reconstruction quality from a spatial perspective by combining non-local similarity and low-rank property. For video recovery, the reconstruction process is divided into two phases. In the first phase, each frame of the video sequence is regarded as an independent image to be reconstructed by taking advantage of spatial property. The second phase performs tensor approximation through searching similar patches within frames near the target frame, to achieve reconstruction by putting the spatio-temporal correlation into full play. The resulting model is solved by an efficient Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM) algorithm. A series of experiments show that the quality of the proposed model is comparable to the current state-of-the-art recovery methods.

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