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引用本文:张家睿,汪 锐,刘舒恒,于 亮. 基于系统辨识的航空发动机稳态燃油自抗扰控制[J]. 测控技术, 2024, 43(2): 41-48
作者姓名:张家睿  汪 锐  刘舒恒  于 亮
作者单位:大连理工大学 力学与航空航天学院;大连理工大学 控制科学与工程学院
基金项目:国家自然科学基金 (62203084);中国博士后科学基金会面上项目(2022M710584)
摘    要:自抗扰控制技术应用于航空发动机稳态燃油控制存在两个难点:发动机中的高频不确定动态导致扩张状态观测器(Extended State Observer,ESO)增益过高和名义控制系数整定困难。针对此现状,提出一种基于系统辨识的航空发动机稳态燃油自抗扰控制器。首先,使用经典Gram-Schmidt(Classical Gram-Schmidt,CGS)算法对控制系数和发动机未知动态进行辨识,将辨识信息加入ESO中设计改进ESO (Improved ESO,IESO),从而使总扰动中包含较少的高频动态,降低观测器增益。其次,基于IESO设计航空发动机稳态燃油自抗扰控制器,并根据辨识结果快速整定名义控制系数。最后,分析IESO观测误差的收敛性和闭环系统的稳定性。仿真结果表明,所提方法可以快速整定名义控制系数,有效降低观测器增益,进而提高系统的鲁棒性。

关 键 词:自抗扰控制;航空发动机控制;系统辨识;扩张状态观测器;稳定性分析

Active Disturbance Rejection Control of Aeroengine Steady State Fuel Based on System Identification
Abstract:There are two difficulties in applying active disturbance rejection control technology to steady state fuel control of aeroengines:the high frequency uncertain dynamics in the engine lead to excessive gain of the extended state observer(ESO) and difficulty in tuning the nominal control coefficient.In view of this situation,a steady state fuel active disturbance rejection controller of areoengines based on system identification is proposed.Firstly,the classical Gram-Schmidt (CGS) algorithm is used to identify the control coefficient and the unknown dynamics of the engine,and the improved ESO (IESO) is designed by adding the identification information to the ESO,so that the total disturbance contains less high-frequency dynamics and the observer gain is reduced.Secondly,the steady state fuel active disturbance rejection controller of areoengines is designed based on IESO,and the nominal control coefficient is quickly adjusted according to the identification results.Finally,the convergence of IESO observation error and the stability of the closed loop system are analyzed.The simulation results show that the above method can quickly set the nominal control cofficient,effetively reduce the observer gain,and improve the robustness of the system.
Keywords:active disturbance rejection control  aeroengine control  system identification  ESO  stability analysis
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