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Density and Activity Characterization of Activated Sludge Flocs
Authors:K. Sears  J. E. Alleman  J. L. Barnard  J. A. Oleszkiewicz
Affiliation:1Doctoral Candidate, School of Civil Engineering, Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN 47907-1284. E-mail: keith.sears@earthtech.ca
2Department Chair and Professor, Iowa State Univ., Ames, IA 50011. E-mail: jea@iastate.edu
3Senior Process Engineer, Black and Veatch Engineers, Kansas City, MO 64114. E-mail: barndardjl@bv.com
4Professor, School of Civil Engineering, Univ. of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada R3T 5V6. E-mail: oleszkie@cc.umanitoba.ca
Abstract:Activated sludge flocs are made up of a conglomerate of materials including microorganisms, exocellular polymers, inert particulates, slow and nonbiodegradable organic particles, and water. The goal of this study was to determine if inert/unbiodegradable aggregates had higher densities than active biomass. It was also desired to determine whether mixed liquor could be gravimetrically settled to differentially stratify flocs based on density and biological activity. In this manner, if activity stratification is possible, then less active biomass could be wasted preferentially during wastewater treatment operations (e.g., during daily wastage), thereby increasing the effective solids retention time and improving process performance. This paper reports the initial set of results, which focused on establishing density values of inert/unbiodegradable fractions of activated sludge floc, and the heterotrophic activity measurements of faster settling flocs compared to slower settling flocs. The results indicate that activated sludge from a local wastewater treatment plant had aggregate densities as low as 1.038?g/mL for slower settling floc particles and as high as 1.065?g/mL for faster settling floc particles. Primary effluent “inert+unbiodegradable particulate organic” fractions, which ultimately accumulate in mixed liquor and contribute to the inactive activated sludge floc fraction, had densities of approximately 1.24?g/mL. Mixed liquor that was digested in excess of 90 days to reduce any degradable organics revealed aggregate densities between 1.11 and 1.12?g/mL. Settling column experiments indicated that floc particles settled at rates ranging from less than 5?m/h to greater than 30?m/h. Specific oxygen uptake rates signified that the heterotrophic activity was homogeneous across all settling velocities except those flocs with a settling velocity of less than 5?m/h. These flocs exhibited a specific oxygen uptake rate of between 31 and 110% higher than the remaining floc. Determination of the mass fraction of these flocs indicates that they account for approximately 2% of the overall biomass. This low fraction limits the usefulness of differentially settling unaltered waste activated sludge to recover portions with higher activity.
Keywords:Activated sludge  Density  Effluents  Aggregates  Biomass  
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