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引用本文:张湘莉兰,苑波,骆志刚. 竞争与合作——复杂网络结构化形成的内因[J]. 计算机研究与发展, 2009, 46(Z1)
作者姓名:张湘莉兰  苑波  骆志刚
摘    要:采用博弈理论来探究复杂网络进化过程中结构化形成的内在原因.如今用于研究复杂网络的基本方法有3类:随机图模型(ER模型)、小世界模型、无尺度模型.但这3类方法都没有从根本上解释复杂网络结构化形成的原因,毕竟在现实世界中网络的演化过程并不是一个纯粹的优化过程.考虑到博弈论强调博弈者通过按照既定规则选择不同策略形成各自的博弈结果,认为它是一种用来解释不确定性演化过程的理想工具,而图论又可以很好地表示复杂系统以及系统内部的相互关系和相关属性,故将博弈论和图论结合到一起,对复杂网络进化过程中结构化形成的内在原因进行探讨,得出"参与者之间的竞争和合作是促成复杂网络结构化形成的内因"这个结论.

关 键 词:博弈论  图论  复杂网络结构化

Competition and Cooperation-The Formation of Modularity During the Evolution of a Complex Network
Zhang Xianglilan,Yuan Bo,Luo Zhigang. Competition and Cooperation-The Formation of Modularity During the Evolution of a Complex Network[J]. Journal of Computer Research and Development, 2009, 46(Z1)
Authors:Zhang Xianglilan  Yuan Bo  Luo Zhigang
Abstract:The game theory and graph theory are adopted to explain the structural formation mechanism of complex network.Nowadays,there are 3 universal methods to study complex network:random graph model,Small World model and scale-free model.However,they all don't give a proper explanation to the formation mechanism of complex network,as the network evolution process is not a pure optimization process.Because game theory focuses on getting non deterministic playing result by taking different strategies,the authors think it is an ideal tool to explain the formation mechanism of complex network.Besides,graph theory can be used to describe the complex system and internal relationships and attributes.For the reasons above,game theory and graph theory are combined together to explain the structural formation mechanism of complex network,and conclusion drawn is that the competition and cooperation among players are the internal reason for the structural formation mechanism of complex network.
Keywords:game theory  graph theory  structural complex network
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