Abstract: | The high dehydration level of seeds provides them with an exceptional survival period, nevertheless seeds are living organs which can die. Refrigeration can prevent the germination of seeds which are destined for human or animal consumption or, on the contrary, produce germination in a required time. The article first describes some of the biological particularities of seeds which can be considered as survival or reproductive organs. As a survival organ, refrigeration can be used to preserve seeds to: Prevent germination: the storage of seeds of tropical and sub-tropical origin at +5°C: the maintenance of a cold and dry atmosphere for the bulk storage of seeds in silos. Prevent parasitic attack: a low temperature and low relative humidity to protect against bacterial or fungal growth: it is more difficult to combat insect invation. Protect product viability: the drier the seed and the lower the temperature, the longer the seed life. Refrigeration can also be used to facilitate germination by eliminating dormancy. It is already well known that humid cold promotes germination by eliminating embryonic dormancy (in general, from one to a few months at a temperature of about +5°C). Furthermore, good germination of ‘hard seeds’ (with teguments impermeable to water) can be obtained by immersing them in liquid nitrogen and repeating the operation if necessary.RésuméLes graines sont des organes très particuliers en ce sens qu'elles prérentent le plus souvent un état de déshydration très poussé. Les problèmes de stockage qui en résultent sont de ce fait très différents de ceux que l'on recontre généralement avec les autres produits végétaux. Les basses températures empêchent leur germination pendant la conservation, limitent les altérations dues aux parasites et prolongent leur durée de vie. La réfrigération et la congélation des graines ont permis la mise au point d'applications originales. Quelques graines ne peuvent germer qu'après un séjour au froid en milieu humide. Des graines imperméables à l'eau deviennent capables de germer facilement aprés traitement à très basse température (azote liquide). |