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Authors:Rahul Kala
Affiliation:1. School of Cybernetics, School of Systems Engineering, University of Reading, Whiteknights, Reading , Berkshire , United Kingdom rkala001@gmail.com
Abstract:Planning the motion of multiple robots deals with computing the motion of all robots avoiding any collision. This article focuses on the use of hybrid Multi Neuron Heuristic Search (MNHS) and Genetic Algorithm (GA). The MNHS is an advancement over the conventional A* algorithm and is better suited for maze-like conditions where there is a high degree of uncertainty. The MNHS contributes toward optimality of the solution, and the GA gives it an iterative nature and enables the approach to be used on high-resolution maps. MNHS works over the set of points returned by the GA in its fitness function evaluation. A priority-based approach is used, in which the priorities are decided by the GA. Path feasibility is speeded up by using the concept of coarser-to-finer lookup called momentum. Experimental results show that the combined approach is able to easily solve the problem for a variety of scenarios.

[Supplementary materials are available for this article. Go to the publisher's online edition of Applied Artificial Intelligence for the following free supplemental resource(s): Videos 1-4]
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