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Novel use of Acacia senegal (Super Gum™) and Anogeisus latifolia (Gatifolia SD) as functional ingredients in extruded snack products: Their role in manipulating product characteristics and modulating the potential glycaemic response of snack foods
Authors:Margaret A. Brennan  Emma Derbyshire  Brijesh K. Tiwari  Glyn O. Phillips  Takeshi Ogasawara  Charles S. Brennan
Abstract:Acacia senegal (in the form of Super Gum™) and Anogeissus latifolia (in the form of gum Gatifolia SD) were used in the manufacture of ready to eat extruded cereal snack products. Inclusions rates were 0, 5, 10 and 15% w/w replacement levels for wheat flour from a control recipe. The inclusion of Super Gum™ and Gatifolia increased product expansion and reduced product density compared to a cereal flour based control snack product. Inclusion of the gum materials also decreased the hardness of the snack products whilst increasing the crispiness of the product (number of fracture peaks recorded during axial compression of samples). Glucose area under the curve (AUC) measurements obtained using in vitro digestion procedures illustrated that the potential glucose release of snack products was reduced by more than 30% by the inclusion of Gatifolia and Super Gum™ at 15% w/w compared to the control sample. Such a reduction in potential glucose release was not dose responsive. These results illustrate a potential nutritional benefit of the utilisation of Gatifolia and Super Gum™ in the ready to eat snack food sector of the food industry.
Keywords:Extrusion  Gum arabic  Gum ghatti  Non‐Starch polysaccharides  Starch
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