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Assessing the Floristic Diversity of Hedge Networks: a landscape perspective
Authors:Andrew Cherrill   Charlotte Mercer  Colin McClean  Gary Tudor
Abstract:The type of land cover adjacent to hedges has been shown to influence the species composition of the ground flora. An assessment of the contribution of hedge networks to the biodiversity of landscapes therefore requires information on the relative lengths of hedge associated with different land covers. In the River Tyne catchment, Northern England, the association between hedges and land cover types differed between four landscapes. Overall, the greatest length of hedge was adjacent to arable crops, improved grasslands and roads. Hedges next to improved grassland and roads were the most species-rich, while those adjacent to arable crops were the least species-rich. Species which were common adjacent to arable crops were also common adjacent to other land covers. Hedges adjacent to improved grassland, roads and semi-natural broadleaved woodland supported species which were not common elsewhere in the hedge network. It was also found that hedges with different land cover on each side supported different floras on each side. When planning landscape-scale surveys of hedge biodiversity, it is important to survey both sides of hedges, and sampling should be stratified to include hedges adjacent to the different types of land cover present.
Keywords:Biodiversity  Ground  Flora  Linear  Feature  Landscape  Classification  Ecological  Assessment
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