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Evolution of nitrate reductase: molecular and structural variations on a common function
Authors:Stolz John F  Basu Partha
Affiliation:Department of Biological Sciences, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA 15282, USA.
Abstract:The biological transformation of nitrogen oxyanions is widespread in nature and gives rise to a robust biogeochemical cycle. The first step in nitrate reduction is carried out by the enzyme nitrate reductase (NR). Although NR always catalyzes the same chemical reaction (conversion of nitrate into nitrite), its location in the cell, structure, and function are organism-dependent. We use protein sequence data to determine phylogenetic relationships and to examine similarities in structure and function. Three distinct clades of NR are apparent: the eukaryotic assimilatory NR (Euk-NR) clade, the membrane-associated prokaryotic NR (Nar) clade, and a clade that includes both the periplasmic NR (Nap) and prokaryotic assimilatory NR (Nas). The high degree of sequence similarity and a phylogenetic distribution that follows taxonomic classification suggest a monophyletic origin for the Euk-NR early on in the evolution of eukaryotic cells. In contrast, sequence conservation, phylogenetic analysis, and physiology suggest that both Nar and Nap were acquired by horizontal gene transfer. Nap and Nas share a lesser degree of similarity, with Nap a subclade of Nas. Nap from strict anaerobic bacteria such as Desulfovibrio desulfuricans is ancestral to facultative species and may provide an evolutionary link between Nap and Nas. We observed conserved binding sites for molybdenum and pterin cofactors in all four proteins. In pathways involving Euk-NR, Nas, and Nar, for which ammonia is the end product, nitrite is reduced to ammonia by a siroheme nitrite reductase. Nap, however, is coupled to a pentaheme nitrite reductase. In denitrification, whether Nar or Nap is involved, nitrite is reduced to nitric oxide by either a cytochrome cd1 or a copper-containing nitrite reductase. This complexity underscores the importance of nitrate reduction as a key biological process.
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