Abstract: | Contraception for adolescents should be considered an important part of prophylactic medicine. Not enough attention has been given to this area, which could mean saving a young person from the destruction of his or her plans, and disruption of their family with an unwanted, unexpected child. This involves greater rapport with adolescents in schools on matters of sexual awareness and education. Noting that 15% of pregnancies between the ages of 12 and 16 are on the first sexual contact, the morning after pill and post coital progestins are thought appropriate as they require only single uses. The most frequently used methods are coitus interruptus (36%), followed by the male condom with vaginalspermicides, and the diaphragm. The use of hormonal contraceptives by adolescents raises questions about their effects on the development of the hypothalamal-hypophysial-ovarian system and the growth of the uterus. The use of intrauterine devices is generally countraindicated, as the uterus grows about 6 cm a month during adolescence and the action of these devices can have dangerous effects on this growth. |