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Grain-boundary diffusion of germanium in copper and Cu-Ge and Cu-Fe alloys
Authors:Yu. A. Terent’ev  B. S. Bokstein  A. L. Pomadchik  D. E. Popova  A. O. Rodin
Affiliation:1. National University of Science and Technology (MISiS), Leninskii pr. 4, Moscow, 119049, Russia
Abstract:The grain-boundary diffusion (GBD) of germanium in copper and its alloys Cu-2% Ge and Cu-0.5% Fe is investigated in the temperature range of 500?C590°C by means of electron-probe microanalysis. The GBD parameters (triple product P = s??D GB and effective activation energy E) are found. The temperature dependence of the triple product for germanium GBD in pure copper can be described by equation P = 3 × 1015exp[?80 kJ mol?1/(RT)] m3 s?1. It is shown that the addition of Ge has almost no effect on the GBD parameters in copper, while doping with iron leads to a considerable reduction in the triple product.
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