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Magnetic and Electronic Properties of Point Defects in ZrO2
Authors:M. Boujnah  H. Labrim  K. Allam  A. Belhaj  A. Benyoussef  A. El Kenz  B. Belhorma  A. El Bouari
Affiliation:1. Laboratory of Magnetism and Physics of High Energies, URAC 12, Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, University Mohammed V, Agdal, B.P. 1014, Rabat, Morocco
2. National Centre for Energy, Sciences and Nuclear Techniques, Rabat, Morocco
3. Laboratoire de Chimie des Matériaux Solides, Faculté des Sciences Ben M’Sik, UH2M, Casablanca, Morocco
4. Institute of Nanomaterials and Nanotechnolog, MASCIR Foundation, Av. of the Royal Army, Madinat el Irfane, 10100, Rabat, Morocco
5. Hassan II Academy of Science and Technology, 11 km, Av. Mohammed VI, Rabat, Morocco
Abstract:Using the Korringa–Kohn–Rostoker Coherent Potential Approximation (KKR-CPA) method in connection with the Generalized Gradient Approximation (GGA), we study the magnetic and electronic properties of different point defects in cubic ZrO2. In particular, we discuss the zirconium interstitial (Zri), zirconium antisite (ZrO), zirconium vacancy (VZr), oxygen interstitial (Oi), oxygen antisite (OZr), and oxygen vacancy (VO) defects. It has been shown that oxygen vacancy and zirconium interstitial (VO, Zri) are n-type, while the other point defects are p-type. The magnetic moments are observed only in the oxygen interstitial and antisite (Oi, OZr) cases. The corresponding ferromagnetic states are more stable than the spin–glass states. It has been found that the mechanism responsible of such stabilities is the double exchange. Based on Mean Field Approximation (MFA), the Curie temperature (T C ) is estimated. Moreover, it has been found that the Oi and OZr defects provide half-metallic properties being the responsible for ferromagnetism.
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