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Resonance Parameters of Tantalum-181 in Neutron Energy Range from 100 to 4,300eV
Abstract:Neutron transmission measurements were performed on natural tantalum (abundance ratio 99.988% for 181Ta) in the energy range of 100–4,300 eV using the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute linac. The transmissions were measured using 55 and 190 m time-of-flight spectrometers for two and three samples of different thicknesses, respectively. These transmission data were simultaneously analyzed with a least squares fitting program based on a multl-level Breit-Wigner formula, and resonance energies and neutron width were obtained for 696 resonances of 181Ta.

The statistical analysis of these parameters gave the s-wave average level spacing of D=4.10±0.14 eV and s-wave neutron strength functions of (1.67±0.13) × 10?4, (1.09 ± 0.09) × 10?4 and (1.42 ± 0.20) × 10?4 for the energy intervals from 100 ? 1,700 eV, 1,700–3,400 eV and 3,400–4,300 eV, respectively. This significant difference among the neutron strength function for each energy interval is a prominent result of the present experiments and is of great interest.
Keywords:average level spacing  electron linac  eV range  6Li-glass scintillators  Multi-level Breit-Wigner formula  neutron transmission  neutron width  non-statistical phenomena  resonance  resonance energy  shape analysis  s-wave neutron strength function  tantalum 181  time-of-fight method
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