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Comparison of Calculated Values with Measured Values on the Amount of TRU and FP Nuclides Accumulated in Gadolinium Bearing PWR Spent Fuels
Abstract:Destructive analyses for five spent fuel samples taken from a Gd bearing fuel assembly were done. The measured amounts of actinides of 234-238U, 237Np, 238-242pu 241,242m,243Am 242,244Cm, and fission products of 134Cs and 154Eu were used for evaluating the accuracy of calculation made by CASMO-MICBURN and ORIGEN-2 codes. The effect of Gd on the neutron spectrum was taken into account in the CASMO-MICBURN calculation.

The amounts of 235U, 239Pu and 241Pu calculated by CASMO-MICBURN agreed well with the observed values within about 3%. On the other hand, the amounts obtained from ORIGEN-2 calculation showed lower values than those observed, especially by —12% in average in 235U for Gd203U02 fuel. The main cause of this large difference may be attributed to the effect of Gd on the neutron spectrum. The amounts of the other actinides by both calculation codes revealed no significant difference in nearly 10% except for 242mAm, in which a large fluctuation among the samples was observed. About 10% difference between the measured values and the calculated values was also observed for 134Cs, but the calculated values for 154Eu showed a significant difference from measured values.
Keywords:PWR type reactors  spent fuels  mixed oxide fuels  gadolinium oxides  uranium dioxide  destructive analysis  gadolinium  actinides  fission products  CASMO-MICBURN  ORIGEN-2  burnup  comparative evaluations  experimental data  accuracy
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