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The infinite time near optimal decentralized regulator problem for singularly perturbed systems: a convex optimization approach
Authors:Germain GarciaAuthor Vitae  Jamal DaafouzAuthor Vitae
Affiliation:a L.A.A.S. du C.N.R.S. 7, Avenue du Colonel Roche, 31077 Toulouse Cedex, France
b C.R.A.N. - C.N.R.S. UMR 7039, 2, Avenue de la Fort de Haye, 54516 Vandoeuvre Cedex, France
Abstract:This paper presents LQ decentralized pole location for singularly perturbed systems. The poles are located in a sector included in the left-half complex plane. The singular perturbation method is used to define reduced and well-behaved problems. It is shown that the LQ control problem with pole location in a sector can be solved using the LMI tool. The associated parametrical optimization problem involves a linear cost objective under LMI constraints. The decentralized control problem is then solved in the reduced slow system by just introducing structure constraints on the matrix variables, constraints that do not destroy the linearity and then the convexity of the problem.
Keywords:Singular perturbations   Linear quadratic regulators   Convex optimization   Decentralized control   Pole assignment
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